Monday, January 26, 2009


OK I need advice.

Jibbers is standing up in his crib and can't sit back down and is crying hysterically. I lay him down, he gets back up, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, infinity.

He's as stubborn as his daddy so he keeps getting back up. Smile. I may in fact actually be more stubborn than Shane.

But this therapy intervention is about the kid and not me.

Any ideas on getting through this?

Pulling up is all cute and everything, but not from 12-1am.


David said...

Bungee cords attached to his PJs?

David said...

Oh, and stop playing Chumbawumba for him when he goes to sleep.

"I get knocked down, but I get up again, you're never gonna keep me down..."

Anonymous said...

Just let him figure out how to work his way back down. All babies figure it out. He may bump his head a time or two-- but he will get it- no worries!

Anonymous said...

Chumbawumba! Ha!
I have NEVER been a Cry-it-Out Momma, but sounds like he may just need to wear him self out, and fall over! Or you could try this...
The Sleep Sack has sizes up to 18-24 months... maybe he wouldn't stand at all if he was in a dress that was closed at the bottom!!

Megan said...

I've never experienced this with my babies so far, but I think I would try the cry-it-out thing too. But probably not cold-turkey; i'm too much of a softy.

I would gradually increase the amount of time between visits to help him. He will begin to realize that you will be back eventually, but you might just find that in the mean time he'll sit himself down on his own.

Georgia said...

I have absolutely no advice for you. I am just here to tell you that C is doing the exact same thing right now. Pulling up. Refusing to sleep. So I'm lurking at your advice you have been given for tips. Thanks.

Paige said...

Well, girl. I'm a hard-nosed, cry-it-out momma. So, that's my advice. Good luck with this one though. I've never been down this road with any of mine. I'll be praying for you

Amy said...

Well Carcar sleeps with a sleep sack and she still stands up pretty easily. Since I am a big wimp and can't stand to hear kids cry for more than 5 minutes, I would lay Jibbers down and rub on his back a little for him to fall back asleep? Usually it's so late and they are tired that she falls back asleep within 10 minutes. Here is the deal can't be me doing it. It has to be Jason, b/c she gets major separation anxiety with me! So maybe have Shane do it?

the Percifuls said...

Logan did the exact same thing. I was scared he would get hurt, so I kept going in & laying him back down... until I was just too exhausted to do it anymore. He did fall over a couple of times, but he's a tough kid. He figured out the sitting down thing pretty soon after I stopped helping him.

BTW... I love that song, David. Maybe someone is playing it for our kids without our knowledge?

Sarah said...

Seriously, by the 3rd kid letting them cry it out is the answer to everything. He'll learn. He probably lays back down then hops up pretending he can't when he hears the door knob turn.