Saturday, January 10, 2009

Deep Thoughts

During the winter, how do yard salers spend their Saturday mornings? Just wandering.

I found these adorable green and white damask plates at Targe'. Oh I want 3-4 of those babies to hang on my kitchen wall.

I was thinking I can make them myself though. Sure, I could pay $21.00 for a set of 3 at Targe'. But wouldn't it be better if I found some similar white plates at a yard sale or thrift store for $3.00 instead? Lime Green Acrylic paint is only a couple of bucks. This is a mission I am on right now.


Erica said...

cute plates!

Jenny said...

very cute and I knew that title was deceiving:)

Alison said...

Oh my! Those are some CUTE plates, cups and bowls!