Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Sink Reflections

Last week I decided I want to ask for a cleaning lady for Christmas.

Shane shot that idea down faster than I could say Windex.

It was one morning last week. As I stood in my bathroom getting ready with my shower shoes on because my floors were so gross, I got the bright idea that a cleaning lady would solve all my problems.  Can I get an Amen?

Girl, I got that pity party going faster than you could say Big Texas Hair.  We've got irons in the fire, etc...etc...etc...

Our days off are Friday and Saturday and who wants to spend their day off cleaning?  Exactly.

This has nothing to do with the fact that I'm overwhelmed, lazy and unorganized, OK? 

Since my dreams got dashed to the ground, I have gone to Plan B.

Plan B is always Babystepping my way to strong routines.  Last night I dused (or some may say dusted) off my Sink Reflections book and began reading.

Baby Steps.  Getting an area of my life back in order, whether it's cleaning my house or reading my Bible regularly, starts with small steps and creating a good routine.

Strong, realistic, small routines, are the key to creating habits that last. 
(I'm pretty sure I made that up all by myself in case you ever want to quote The Bugs).
When I have a good routine on Auto Pilot it always saves the day.  When I walk into the kitchen and a bomb has exploded, I know exactly what to do.  Start working left to right, top to bottom.  Clear the counters (always working left to right).  Wash the dishes, dry them, put them away, clean the counters, give the floor a sweep.  I assume this goes without being said, but good music and a candle are a must when house cleaning or freak out moments are happening.
So my babystep routines for today?
Get Up-Make Bed.
Get Dressed And Put Shoes On.
Tidy The Kitchen.
This is the plan for every day for the next 30 days.  Get Up.  Make Bed.  Get Ready.  Get Out Of PJ's.  Tidy Kitchen.  Carry On.

(and just so you can have more things to hate me for, I'm seriously thinking about ditching school today because it's raining, we have a Redbox, the kids are happily playing were happily playing for a minute, we all have books to read, the boys are creating a campsite in the middle of the living room, ya know, the usual)

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