Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Snowstorm Footage

We interrupt the regularly scheduled program to bring you footage from the "December 6 Snowstorm of Twenty Twelve"

The children were tucked into their beds with care.  Once they went to bed the snow really started falling so we got them back up.  We were up till after midnight.

It's really interesting, and you may know this, but the news was new to me.  Coats and shoes are optional when you engage in nighttime snow play.  You completely forget they are even necessary.

Here's some footage of the first snowball of the evening that landed right on my living room carpet.  Is it just me or is this snowball picture insanely ginormous?  That's what I thought.

We made 5 mugs of Hot Cocoa-we're a 3 whoop cream 2 mallow family.  After that we roasted mini-mallows over the Advent candles.  When I say Advent candles of course you know I'm referring to the tapers that will go in the Advent wreath once we get it down from the attic.  I'm fashionably late.  No, no at this point I'm tacky late.

I would sheepishly like to share that as we drank our warm drinks a little panic came over me.  It was almost midnight, the snow was falling, and we had less than 1/2 a jug of milk and no bread.   I know, I'm ashamed of myself for even entertaining the thought.

(Yes that is a Fall wreath still hanging on my door, and yes, as you can tell by the candy cane yard stake we went all out for Christmas this year)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great post. The pictures are precious.

