Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Celebration Day

Today is a very special fun day at our house. It's a celebration day! I am not working. It is going to be a day where the kids and I hang out and enjoy each other.

These boys of ours are the sweetest little gifts. They are full of life and make us smile many times throughout the day. Our oldest son is full of compassion for others. He is thoughtful and perceptive of other peoples needs. Our second born is the world's greatest snuggler. He sucks his "fumb" and sleeps with a "banky". And his sense of humor has us rolling all the time. And the baby. Aww the baby. God bless the baby. He loves to hit, has found his voice and thinks it's perfectly acceptable to scream. He is the best birth control known to man, but we love him fiercely. He is an adorable little ball of energy.

Yes, today is Celebration Day! We are going to enjoy life and we are going to enjoy each other.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Celebrate good times, come on.... WOOHOOO!!!! Hope you guys have a WONDERFUL celebration day!!!