Thursday, March 3, 2011

Friday, Saturday & Sunday


Saturday is GARDENING DAY.

Sunday is THE LORD'S DAY.

  • wash everyone's sheets
  • quickly clean the house.  This can be done under 1 hour using Flylady's method.
  • 10 minutes feather dust
  • 10 minutes sweep/mop
  • 10 minutes, aww heck I forget, her website is (heh heh heh, can you tell I am in a hurry but did not want to leave you hanging)
  • use this day for yard work if you have it
  • clean out your car
  • straighten the garage
  • work on projects
  • plan and prepare what you will eat tomorrow
  • church and rest!
  • take a day off from cooking, cleaning and laundry.  There is blessing in taking a day off to focus more on God.  If you have never practiced this I encourage you to start this Sunday.  In the Old Testament God told His people over and over, plan ahead or deny yourself.  This is a good discipline for you and it is a good discipline for your children.  At our house, Sunday looks decidedly different than the rest of the week.  No chores, no video games, no computer, no laundry, no soup for you.  This is not to be legalistic but it is to put boundaries on the things that tend to crowd out fellowship with God and each other.  If our Heavenly Father took 6 days to work hard and rested on the 7th we would be wise to follow his example.
See you back here on Monday and we'll chat some more.  Remember, as you baby step your way to the home you love and creating a life that pleases and honors the Lord, take it one day at a timeConsistency is the key to successKeep doing the right things each day and order will come.  And with order comes peace, joy and life!

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