Thursday, April 15, 2010


Look what I scored for $1 Saturday at a Tag Sale. That's a fancy way to say me and my Mamaw went Yard Salin' and made out like wild bandits. So, you know I'm transforming my decorating style into Cottage. One thing my decorating style is moving towards is white, blues, yellows and more white. (please pardon the tissue and medicine cup! we've had 2 with ear infections and 1 with pnemonia this week)

I sprayed this with a spray primer and then did 2 coats of white spray paint. I got 5 blue tapers and I am so pleased with how it turned out. I can see that I need to go fix those pretty crooked candles. I'll get right on that!
Total cost: $6 (including candles, paint and gold candleabra)


marietta said...

Love it!

Gretchen said...

Try to not let the green-eyed monster invade my computer.