Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I know she didn't.

I was having lunch with a friend at Lenny's today.

Enjoying the best sandwich I have had in awhile. It was very, very good. The kind of good that makes you feel like rainbows are in the sky and unicorns really are flying around. Ok, that was wierd, but I'm just trying to say my little corner of the world was diggin' my lunch today.

My friend left to head back to work and I hopped up to get a refill on my Dr. Pepper. I was very excited to finish the last half of my sandwich and the rest of my Doritos. Key word here being "last half of my sandwich."

I go get my refill, and head back to the empty table. Key word here being "empty table."

The clean table nazi's wisked off my lunch into the trash.

What a bunch of haters.


Anonymous said...

haters? maybe. OR maybe they are in cahoots with the diet industry, and they were just doing portion control. OR maybe they are part of the subversive theme-park nazis who never give out straws or lids to drinks.... and they threw out your sandwich on purpose so you'll buy another one... like if you spill your lidless drink, you just have to buy one more.

So, Lenny's was good, huh?

Becke' said...

argh!! You should have said something and gotten another WHOLE sandwich for FREE! I am too shy to do that, but I think you have enough gumption!

Georgia said...

Wha??? I went to Lenny's the other day, as well, and I love me some Lenny's. I would have thrown a full out, screaming, yelling tantrum like Carter does when he is hungry and say, "Momma is still hungry! Where is my sandwich??"

You should have yelled. It would have worked.

Jenny said...

Oh my goodness!!! I'm cracking up over that last comment... you should've DEFINITELY thrown a tantrum:)

Anonymous said...

Where was your friend??? I've always worried about that. I would have complained and gotten a free meal or something. :)

The Uptons said...

no way... i'm thinking i would have asked for a replacement... you did say rainbows and unicorns right?

The Uptons said...

no way... i'm thinking i would have asked for a replacement... you did say rainbows and unicorns right?