Monday, June 22, 2009

Summer Lunch

Yep, Summer's here. Does this scene look familiar. That's right baby-the Party Pizza & Fruit lunch. Today marks the day for millions of Mama's across America who will be facing this classic summer lunch in the upcoming months. As you can see from the fresh strawberries, I just went to the store. As the weeks go on, this scene will be replaced with canned varieties such as Mandarin Oranges, Peaches (gag), or Pears.


Wendy said...

Hi. I'm just responding to your comment about my cabinets...we took them off the hinges and sanded them down before painting. I have done them both ways...Leaving on the hinges is faster, but doing it this way has seemed to make the paint job wear longer.

Jenny said...

those strawberries look delicious! AND that ladies cabinets... from above... look FANTASTIC!