Friday, July 5, 2013

My Cleaning Lady

My cleaning lady came today. She looks and talks exactly like me.
This morning I hired myself for the job.  My payment is an early bedtime for the boys and a clean house for me.  So when you clean sometimes you run into disturbing things.

Take this tabletop for instance.  This my friends, is what we like to call a "Hot Spot."  Clutter gathering clutter.  Wompy jawed tissue box, candle lid, jar with two piddly pens...I can't even remember how long this table has looked like this.  I started to move the things to dust and then leave them when I remembered something.

Have nothing in your house you don't know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.

Clearly this is not pleasing to the eye, so I cleared the table and felt a million times better about the spot.

So here is my tip for the day.  As you go through your house, picking up or cleaning, keep a watchful eye.  If there is an area or an item that you think is U.G.L.Y. give it away or throw it away.  Your house will start to slowly take shape and you will be so happy with the results.


Gretchen said...

I love this spot. The wall? U-maz-ing. Love the sign and the starfish and the color of the paint.
Yes, I need to "hire a cleaning lady" for my office space.

Joy for the Seasons said...

That last pic of your table made me sigh "ahhhhhh". :)