Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Weird Food

I think my mission to eat out of the freezer, fridge and pantry was spurred on by us going out of town twice in the last month.  The week before both of our trips, I was on a mission to not go to the grocery store, and to pull from the reserves.

So we've had the strangest meals.  Bacon and fruit lunches.  Corn dogs and breakfast burritos.  Like, together at the same sitting.  What else are ya' supposed to do when their are only two dogs left?   Those are the weirdest combos we've come up with. 

Tonight we pulled together an amazing meal, thanks to fresh produce from Vaughan Family Farms.  We grilled chicken, squash seasoned with butter, citrus grill season and dill, we had mashed potatoes, creamed corn and Sister Schubert dinner rolls.  It was pretty impressive if I do say so myself.  Actually Shane gets the credit for pulling that one off.  I get credit for the bacon and fruit day.  Yay  me.

Tonight after dinner I spent a little time seeing how we're doing.  We have a ton of tomato products, cream of chicken and BBQ sauce.  And I have two jars of diced jalapenos.  It's funny how my hoarder tendencies manifest themselves in the way of cream based soups and condiments.  I don't even like cream of whatever soups.  But those diced jalapenos are so great so if you need a jar come see me, I have an extra I'd love to bless you with. 

But friend, looky looky looky at what I found hidden behind my canned tomatoes.  Dove chocolate with mint.  Guess who is going to bed early tonight with a bag of chocolate and the newest edition of Romantic Homes magazine?

So as far as I can tell, here are all the creative combos I can come up with using my remaining food.  My goal has been to stretch $100 for the last two weeks of the month, mainly to see if I can do it.  The fish day is stumping me.  I just debuted fish in my cooking career for the first time last month.  I'm just not sure yet what to pair it with.  But I cooked it in oven with butter and citrus grill seasoning and help me Rhonda, it was so good.  I am also trying a black bean and saffron rice dish that you pair with pineapple chunks and tortilla chips.  It's a real, live, recipe I've never made but have the stuff for.  I'm sure my people will be oh so happy about that night.

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