Friday, September 9, 2011


For the last month or so I have been praying a lot, asking God to give me a vision and direction for how to spend our time each day.

There are so many things we can put our hands to.  So many choices.  So many good opportunities.  Starting a new school year with new commitments can tend to always be overwhelming for me. 

I've been asking God to give Shane and I wisdom so that our schedules will reflect His Glory.  There is that fine balance between stepping out in faith to be used by God, trusting your resources of time and money are safe in His very capable hands, and then crossing the line of being too busy.

I just had to write and share that after weeks of praying it is becoming very clear that God has given clarity to my thoughts regarding very specific things I can do to make our days run smoother.  I asked for clarity and He gave it.

So specific and detailed.

About 2 weeks ago I came home late one evening from working.  After I washed my face I stepped into my closet to grab my pj's.  When I walked in, I looked on the floor and noticed my 3 year old had dumped a box of puzzle pieces on the floor.  Even though it was very late, I felt the Holy Spirit nudging my heart to sit down and work the puzzle.

I can tell you I was like, seriously Lord?  It's after midnight and I am tired.  But you and I know that still small voice is something you do not argue with.  So, I sat down and began to work the 100 piece Incredible Hulk puzzle and talked with God the entire time.  Do you know what God told me as I sat there working that puzzle?

I will establish peace within your borders.

I am in control of all the pieces of your time and your days.

I will establish peace within your borders.

The puzzle comes together one piece at a time.  After searching you begin to see the big picture unfold and it is one piece at a time. 

I will establish peace within your borders.

It takes focus.

I will establish peace within your borders.

You can't quit or give up.

I will establish peace within your borders.

Ask me to give you eyes to see.

I will establish peace within your borders.

Slow down, why are you in such a hurry always?

I will establish peace within your borders.

At the end, when the puzzle was complete, there were 6 pieces missing.  Even though we might not always have the entire picture...

I will establish peace within your borders.

When you are seeking God for every move you make, the things that need to be added or removed can become very obvious.  There was a piece in the mix of pieces that did not belong to the puzzle I was working.  It had gotten thrown in the box at some point.  When the pieces were a jumbled mess on the floor I could not discern it needed to be removed.  It was only when I stopped.  Slowed down.  Sat down.  Touched each piece one by one to evaluate where it went.  Only then was I able to have eyes to see what was unfolding.

I will establish peace within your borders.

How much do we miss out on because we are not asking for eyes to see?  The clarity of vision I'm experiencing is a gift because I asked and He gave.  Guess what?

I am living and enjoying the peace within my borders.

There is peace, joy and direction available for you.  I pray this video is an encouragement to you, it is a song of prayer.  A song of worship.  A song of commitment to take one thing at a time, to seek God and ask for direction.


Anonymous said...

Anna. Wow. Thank you so much. I needed to read this today. You have no idea. I love, love that God answers us so clearly when we seek him. Love you my dear friend!
Amy Manning

Anonymous said...

Anna, so good to know how well you listen. I pray that my ears and eyes stay open and I continue to learn from him. I just found out that I get to go on a mission trip on Nov. 1st. Not afraid, just praying for all the pieces to fall as God wants them to. And that I do not slow down his progress.
Deb Helms