Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Today I came across a sentence in Matthew 24 that really got me thinking.

It said, "As Jesus was sitting".

He was sitting.

I don't know why that phrase has me so fascinated.

Sitting would mean that he had stopped to sit down. 

In the course of the day I find it incredibly hard to just sit down.  Let everything be placed on hold and sit down.

Stop.  Sit.  Let stuff go.

The ministry did not stop while he sat down.  The ministry opportunity came to him as he sat.

In the course of any given day, I wander what would happen if I took more time to stop and sit.  What conversations would take place?

With a chair, Bible and a pen.

After some thought, I bet one of the things our enemy does to us as women is to create many reasons why we should not stop and sit.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I do sit nearly every day at 1:15 after I put Lainey down at 1. BUT...it is a challenge not to email, blog, or browse other blogs in lieu of spending time in the Word or journaling. I find that if I give myself the freedom to do a little of both during the week, I thoroughly enjoy both. Also remembering that God is not keeping a scorecard of my "quiet times."

I look forward to my times "sitting" in my comfy chair. For so many reasons!
